DRAGON SWAY - Bloodlust Awaken CD

DRAGON SWAY - Bloodlust Awaken CD

Here is a razor sharp slab of true heavy metal, traditional yet modern. This is a powerhouse of a debut, executed by extremely high caliber musicians that escape the trappings of a “supergroup.” Dragon Sway is the fully realized collaboration of Japanese guitar legend Warzy and Norwegian singer J-Ram. The world had its first taste of what these two could accomplish when they covered the LOUDNESS classic “Dream Fantasy” on Warzy’s 2019 solo album, and the fans craved more!
Aptly titled, BLOODLUST AWAKEN is an album of fierce metal, that is on the attack. It is an uncanny hybrid of aggression and melody, the bombast of a WWE/UFC warrior’s entrance with the high brow artistry of Voivod. The riffs are smart and sick! Somewhere between thrash metal, power metal, and the heaviest of the 80’s in a territory all their own. A case could be made that Dragon Sway is the darker, heavier version of Dokken that you always wanted. Warzy’s solos are unmatched and manage to send each of these tracks over the top. J-Ram’s vocals are soaring. They demonstrate rage AND range! A breath of fresh air in a world of constipated cookie monsters. These tunes will actually get in your head, a rare quality of music that is so technically challenging and heavy. This is special. Comparisons have been made to Obsession, Forbidden, and even Bride…but this band is their own entity, and lethal as the martial arts maneuver they are named after.

Japanese and French label pressings available.